Saturday, May 1, 2010

Weeks 10-17 ... I KNOW! Way behind!!

Pic above is me at 10 weeks along. Just a tiny lil bulge.
Pic in the purple shirt above and below is me at 16 weeks. Belly starting to get a lil bigger.
I'm FINALLY through my first trimester! Although I was very nauseous and sick to my stomach, it could have been worse. I'm still tired, but not as bad as I was earlier. Today, I am 17 weeks 3 days along. My due date was Oct 7th, but the doctor moved it to Oct 6th at my last visit. I've been to the OB twice. The first time (at almost 12 wks), they found the heartbeat in about 2 seconds. The second visit (at almost 16wks), it took longer to find it. My heart was beating out of my chest!! I was so worried that something was wrong and they wouldn't find it. I know that I should always have faith, but at that moment, I was scared to death! .... The OB did find it, and I started breathing again. Whew!!!
It seems that at 16 wks, my lil belly all of a sudden started poking out a little. I had a lot of people at church this past Sunday say "Wow! Where did that come from??" Hmm. Guess I got hungry. Speaking of that, I do get hungry often. I'm trying to be good and eat tons of fruit, peanut butter and graham crackers, veggies, etc. I've only gained 3 lbs so far. (I haven't weighed in a few days though...) I'm on track for where I should be. I lost a pound in my first trimester, but since I've been in my second, I've gained a pound week 14, 15, 16, ... maybe 17? We'll see. I'll weigh again on Monday. :)
I am extremely thankful and overwhelmed that I am expecting. I thank God and pray for this baby constantly. I try to give Him my worry and just do what I should do to make this a healthy pregnancy. (Oh, I started power walking again-- up hills. 2 miles. I miss running, but I got out of shape so fast, I guess it's ok that I'm just walking!) ..... I have a huge prayer list with people that I know are still trying to get pregnant, those who have lost babies, and those who are currently expecting.
Ok, I must go, but I will be posting pics at 18 wks this week. (Oh-- thanks to my lovely sister, Megan, I will definitely be held accountable on making sure those pics are up! She has asked me every day for the past week "Have you updated your blog yet?? You're a horrible blogger!" haha. I know, I know. I procrastinate worse than anyone I know. ) .... Have a great weekend!!!!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Way Over Due Post...

Yes, I know. I tend to fall off the face of the earth for at least a month after I post. Still working on trying to improve that! I will be 12 weeks on Thursday. (yay!) I am supposed to see the OB for the 1st time tomorrow. I've nervous b/c I haven't seen the ultrasound in a month. I wanna make sure it's still in there. The progesterone pills the RE gave me for the initial 30 days had some beastly side effects. Thank God I'm done with those! I'm finishing up the inserts on Saturday. I'll most definitely be ready to say good-bye to those.

We've been dealing with our insurance company. Turns out that we're out of network with my dr. But, they are working with us since no one within 25 miles take our insurance company. I was flippin out about it last week, but God showed that He does have things under control even when I'm doubting.

I'll try to get some belly pics up. My belly tends to grow and shrink every couple days. I'm guessing it's water?? Who knows....

According to ... my baby is the size of a lime. Weird...

Thursday, February 18, 2010

...Can it be???? ....

My mistake: I looked at other people's blogs to see when they got a BFP. Lots of ppl got it on 9-11dpo. So, I tested on those days. HUGE BFN. :( Lots of tears. I skipped days 12-13.

Then 14dpo, I tested again. (not very hopeful though...) I POAS, then waited for the lines to appear. For 30 sec, it was negative and my heart sank. Then, just before I threw it away, this appeared....
My heart jumped to my throat! Is this for real?? Is it a false positive??? When I got to work, I called my RE. They had me come up for bloodwork that morning. After lunch, I got my results:
Beta #1- 215 (needs to be at least 5)
Progesterone- 22 (needs to be at least 15)

So, they scheduled me to come in a week later (21dpo) for more bloodwork. This time:

Beta #2- 2,702 (good!)
Progesterone- 15.5 (ahh! not good!)

The nurse barely got the progesterone level out of her mouth before I shouted "Oh no! That went down!!" They went ahead and put me on prometrium for 30 days to help boost my levels. ***Side note: This stuff makes me insanely emotional when I have to take it for 10 days... 30???? Seriously???***

I came back for more bloodwork on 26dpo to see if the crazy pills were working. Results:

Beta #3- 10, 700
Progesterone- 20.5 (good, it's going back up.)

Whew! These crazy pills are doing their job. Poor DH though! He just gives me a hug, and says "It's not forever... You'll be done w/ them soon." Sweet guy. He should probably hide for the next 17 days though!

You might have noticed that I took down all pics of me that you could see my face. We aren't announcing it to the world for another 2 weeks. (at DH's great grandma's 92nd b-day party... of course we'll wait until the end of the party though.) I'm paranoid that someone will find the blog before then and spread the word. I know, I know. Not completely likely, but still possible. :)

We told our parents this past Friday. They were very excited. First grandchild for my side, and first grandchild for DH's mom. :)

On Tuesday, we went for our first ultrasound. I was very nervous. Although I was trying to think positively, the worst case scenario kept popping in my mind. Especially since I have PCOS. Anyway, DH and I went it and was great! Here's our little one 2 days ago at 6 weeks 5 days:

I said, "There's just one in there, right?". She put my mind to ease when she said that the thing on the right is the yolk sac, soon to be the placenta. Whew! Okay, good! The baby is measuring one day ahead. The heartbeat was 133 beats/min. She said anything over 110 is good. The nurse also said that at this point, the chance of miscarriage is 20%. (YIKES!) But, with such a strong heartbeat, the chance drops to less than 5%. That's better. I'd still rather have zero, but I'll take it.

So, this is our little miracle! I am so thankful. I know that I am NO WHERE NEAR out of the risky time period, so I am praying all the time! I know that God is probably thinking, "Here she goes again.. It's only been 3 min since your last prayer!" :) I'm trying to not look at the glass as half empty, but it's instinct as a way to protect myself. I'm extremely humbled right now..... I'm also praying for you girls who are still TTC. Although I got a BFP 3 weeks ago, I am still very nervous about the 1st trimester....

Monday, February 8, 2010

A Not So Updating Update

**Full update on our TTC journey in less than 2 weeks....**

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My monthly posting.... :)

Well, tis time for the monthly posting on my blog! Update: Round 1 on Femera with trigger shot didn't work. Frustrating, since I had high hopes b/c the clomid rounds didn't work. But, I'm trying to think positively. My RE said that it may take a round of Femera before it really works. We'll see.
Round 2: Last time on day 14, I had one follicle that was a 15. This time on day 14, I had one follicle that was a 19. Much better, right? :) The nurse couldn't see my left ovarie very well. So, I think there was just one mature follicle. We triggered that night, and are now on the forever long 2 week wait. I am praying A LOT, but also trying to keep in mind that God's timing is PERFECT. It may be now, and it may not be. I should find out a week from Thurs.
DH and I are under a lot of stress. Starting a business in this economy is very hard. We are doing everything we can to make it work. Also praying about that... We are with each other practically 24/7. At first it was a little trying, b/c he's the bossman and he keeps telling me what to do! haha-- I laugh about it, but it was/is a little difficult getting used to! :) My rule is we must hug about 10 times a day. Helps the tension.
I'm going to the gym today for the first time. (at this gym anyway) I hate going by myself, especially to a new gym. But DH has a phone conference. Guess I'll just suck it up and go!

On my final note-- I did get to surprise my best friend --(who struggled with infertility issues for over 3 years and is now preggo with twins!) -- by driving 5 hrs to attend her baby shower! She had a very nice shower. I was so excited to see her-- it had been about a year and a half. (at my wedding) Anyhoo, I better get back to work before the bossman comes up here. :)